
Heb 11:1-3 We live by faith. Without knowing it we exercise faith. We declare, tomorrow I'll do such and such but who would have told us that we'll see tomorrow. Faith is a gift in itself. (Gal 5:22) We all hev a measure of it but God giveth to some a greater measure than others. A sinner might have more faith for a miracle than a real genuine christian. That is what a gift means for gifts of God are of no repentance. Faith is more than feeling, sight & all other senses. Faith is as real as sight. Faith is real not an emotion that you can crank up. If you dont have it you dont have. Just as if you dont see you dont. There is just nothing you can do about it. As positive as you are of what you see so is how positive you are about what you believe, that is faith. What you see, feel or see doesn't have anything to do about it.


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